Note to my future grandchildren,
Realizing you will inherit a
vastly reduced natural world from the one I was bequeathed; I am compelled to
document what I did to prevent the rapid slide toward unsustainability for us
all. We were taught in pre-school and Sunday school to be humble and to share
what we have with others, but these practices have been abandoned en masse
by the Trump Administration and his industrial cronies. Though these people
will not be alive to witness the destruction of your environmental health or
your reduced life, they are making decisions today which will impact everyone
on Earth for generations. Plenty of people have gone along blindly supporting
these disrespectful public officials and corporate figures without a care for
your future. America should not elect people to hold public office if they are
unable to think multi-generationally, which means keeping your interests in
mind. Here are the highlights of their plundering of your future:
Gutting the Environmental Protection Agency
The Trump Administration was
co-opted with the oil and gas industry upon sweeping into office as the 45th
presidency of the United States (in case the nation no longer exists later) and
one of his first actions was to roll-back the clean water standards enhanced
under President Obama. The clean water standards analyzed the impacts of
upstream water sources, which run through public and private lands and their
pollution impacts for major bodies of water, like the Salish Sea. Chemical
fertilizers and petrol chemical runoff damage water quality which impact
viability for Chinook salmon, the primary food source for Southern Orcas of our
region. This means the likelihood of you ever seeing the Orcas freely travel in
the sea are nil and the southern residents are headed toward extinction with
only 72 remaining. Trump, has chosen to let the profits of a few farmers,
ranchers, and extraction industry profiteers ruin water quality, which is
essential for all life.
Secondly, Trump and his retinue of Environmental Protection Agency administrators have adopted less stringent air quality standards, which mean more children will die from asthma and adults from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In other words, these people can’t breathe and are being choked to death by Trump officials, who want to reduce fuel efficiency standards to pre-Ronald Reagan metrics of the 1970’s. This action means the United States will fall further behind the world in the adoption of new technologies which will produce more efficient vehicles, buildings, and energy systems. The creative jobs to bring innovative improvements to your life will go to other countries who are forging ahead with a vision for the future. Trump known as #45, has also killed the tax investment credits for alternative energies, which were so effective in decreasing dependence on fossil fuels and achieving true energy independence. Green energy conflicts with the profit making of the oil and gas industries so they have done everything they can to enhance their short terms profits without a care for your well-being. This includes burning natural gas, which produces harmful methane gas because it is cheaper than processing it as a biproduct of the production of oil. Methane gas is more harmful to global warming than CO2. Of course, air pollution causes cancer as well and the 45th presidential administration has actively worked to suppress scientific research proving harmful affects of environmental pollution.
Thirdly, the Trump bullies have forced out any public officials or civil servants who have objected to the lack of enforcement of EPA rules and stewardship of public lands, including the Bureau of Land Management which oversees protection of public lands which are not part of America’s national park system. Anyone who objects to the pilfering and abdication of the public duty to protect our public lands has been silenced, as Stalin did in Russia. Even the Endangered Species Act has been pierced allowing short term economic considerations to be used to evaluate the value of saving species. This is no less than the selling out of your future, your right to enjoy nature on public lands which belong to all of the people, not just the people who live next to them.
Finally, there is ample scientific evidence which irrefutably shows the earth is warming, the oceans are rising, and catastrophic events are occurring more regularly, such as massive floods, wildfires, and crop failures. These events also impact the ocean’s food supply. Trump supporters have just chosen to ignore all of this proof and to exacerbate the problems by refusing to cooperate with global initiatives to reduce carbon pollution which causes global warming, and to actively promote less efficient water, electric, and other structural programs. These actions mean the USA is an energy pig and is spewing increased pollution into the earth’s air and waterways, especially from the coal industry. It doesn’t have to be this way, but these adults, elected to represent your ancestors didn’t think about you when they made their profits. They didn’t think about the jobs needed for the future, health impacts from pollution, or even basic health services for children, as the Republicans have actively worked to eliminate their health care. And children from low-income families, which represent 25% of American households, are treated even worse, because their school lunch money is now being reduced. These actions are nothing less than those of a bully, one who gave tax breaks to huge corporations and the rich while stealing lunch money from children.
Individual Actions That Can Make A Difference
Getting Out of The Car-Please
know that I have spent all of my adult life fighting for environmental
protections and have actually witnessed the improvement of air quality in the
City of Seattle due to state EPA mandates and more efficient vehicles. All but
one of the cars I owned was a compact, and one, the Volkswagen Rabbit was a
subcompact. However, in 2003, I decided to experiment going carless and did not
use my car for a year, which was eye opening because it increased my physical
and mental well-being. Your father (who was still a preschooler) and I biked or
took the bus everywhere. I made the leap to sell our car within fifteen months
of this experiment. In that era, people were not always considerate of
bicyclists and would scream at us. At the time, to be without a personal
vehicle was considered odd on the west coast and I experienced a number of
discriminatory practices because of it, including being rejected as a volunteer
for the American Cancer Society because they didn’t think using public transportation
was acceptable. Of course, I couldn’t do certain types of work either, but I
kept my footprint local. Fortunately, the millennial generation came up with
creative ways to get people out of their autos, including car and bicycle
sharing programs. City planners also developed bike lanes and pathways for
pedestrians to move efficiently in the urban environment. More people opted to
live in cities, closer to their work, spending less time commuting. In Paris
and New York, over 50% of their residents are carless households. In Seattle it is very common for people to
rely only on public transit, bike, or walk to work.
Reducing Waste-Growing up on a farm we didn’t waste much because there was no garbage pickup, so the more trash you had the greater your disposal problem. We burned some trash but mostly re-used containers, which were mainly glass. Pretty much everything we wore we made, except for shoes and blue jeans. So, as a young bride with a Save-the-whales bumper sticker on my subcompact car I practiced recycling 40 years ago. I set up a sorting station in my garage and would haul cans and glass to a recycling center. When I attended a group event, I would walk around getting aluminum cans for recycling rather than trash. Composting was a natural farm practice, but not so common in the city and I have practiced a casual composting practice for the past thirteen years.
Being Mindful About Consumption-We really are what we consume and it is better for all of us if we eat foods that are grown locally, which support local farmers and reduce transportation pollution. I eat very little meat and no beef. I made the decision to quit eating beef about a decade ago. My reasoning had to do with the industrial food supply system of the United States and also the harmful environmental impacts from beef operations. Feed lots in the US are places where the cow’s entire lives are spent in pens grown for food, with calves separated from their mothers early on. Much of the deforestation of the Amazon is due to ranchers gobbling up more land to grow beef. Beef is a very inefficient protein when you consider how much it extracts to produce a few grams of protein. Industrial runoff from beef and hog feed lots also pollute waterways. Other ways I have reduced my consumption is to make what I need rather than buy it from a store. Or I repair things before tossing them out. Vintage stores are all the rage now, which is basically a way to recirculate used items to those who are interested.
Voting-I want you to know that I have never missed a presidential election and only missed one local election in my life. Voting, just like writing to your elected representatives, and campaigning for someone are essential acts to maintain a democracy. The Trump Administration makes fun of democrats, their opposition party, the ones stopping the complete capitulation of the country to him. He also makes fun of educated people, women, persons with disabilities, and those from other nations. I have done everything in my power to demonstrate against, advocate for change, and help those trying to make changes against his venal administration.
So, my darling, even though I am
no longer here, I want you to know I cared and I thought of you the whole time,
and tried to make a difference.
This article was written by
Roberta E. Winter, nonfiction author and freelance journalist since 2007.
Published January 18, 2020