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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Addressing Vaccine Fears Proactively

Washington State, is in the midst of a measles epidemic because of a high rate of unvaccinated children in Vancouver, Washington, a city just across the mighty Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. There have been multiple cases of measles in eleven other states this year. This article suggests ways to bridge the gap between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated populations.
Facts About Measles
  • Measles is highly contagious-Entering a room within two hours after an infected person has left can transmit the disease
  •  Measles can cause permanent hearing loss and brain damage
  •  People die from Measles and it remains the leading cause of vaccine preventable death in the world; approximately 1 to 2% of those exposed to Measles die and 110,000 people died from exposure to the disease in 2017 alone
  •  People with impaired immune systems are more likely to have complications from Measles

Why the Hysteria About Vaccines?
Parents have two main fears regarding vaccines, one is the mercury in the vaccine from thimerosal, a preservative and the other is a belief that exposure to vaccines will trigger autoimmune responses leading to other health conditions. Let’s look at the scientific studies on the mercury in vaccines to determine if there is any harm from this stabilizing component. The American Academy of Pediatricians published this document which is a meta-analysis of available high-quality studies on vaccine safety to address parental concerns about vaccines. After analysis of credible studies on vaccine safety this august body of physicians made the following conclusions:
  1.   Increased exposure to antibody stimulating proteins is not associated with autism (DeStefano F, 2013)
  2. On-time first year vaccines did not harm neurological development (C, 2010)
  3. A 14-year study found no link to autism or inflammatory bowel disease and vaccinations (Peltola H, 1998)

 Here is a link to scientific studies which showed no harm in the organic compound thimerosal in vaccines.

Addressing Vaccine Fear
Mercury Exposure
Parents are concerned about injecting thimerosal, which contains mercury and is used as a vaccine preservative into their children.
Solution-Give your child a vaccine without the thimerosal component
Too Much Too Soon
Solution-Provide parents information on these multi-national studies which involved thousands of children over an extended period of time and demonstrated no link to neurological conditions. Vaccines are not profitable for drug companies to manufacture so there are no customize-able versions for parents who want to break up the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine. Individual doses of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccines were discontinued in 2009. (Control, 2009) Presently in the United States the combined MMR vaccine is the only option.
Seizure Risk
Solution-Explain to concerned parents that the risk of a child getting a seizure from a vaccine is extremely rare, approximately 30 children out of 100,000 who received the MMR vaccine may have a febrile seizure, which is related to the fever. The involuntary shaking should last no more than two minutes and usually does not cause any long-term damage. These seizures can occur at any time throughout childhood as a result of any fever. However, if the fever and risk of seizure is a concern, parents may wish to avoid the combined Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella vaccine as it has been shown to have an increased risk for seizure versus the MMR. Choose the lower risk MMR vaccine. (Control C. f., 2019)
Safety of the Vaccine Manufacturing Process
There have been cases were faulty vaccines were sold and these are usually in India and China, but this is extremely rare in the U.S. The Centers for Disease  monitors vaccine safety and publishes alerts if a recall is necessary. Your clinician would receive notice of the recall and alert patients.
However, it is in our best interest to increase the efficacy of vaccines, not to curb them. A biologist friend of mine recently suggested a solution to increase vaccine safety through testing. Essentially, we would require the vaccine's supplier to perform a random and routine assay test for antibodies in the vaccines. This would be a simple and cost-effective method to assure that the vaccines were real.
Population or Herd Immunity
Preventing the spread of preventable diseases is a public health obligation and the best way to do that is through vaccines. A community needs a vaccination rate of 90% to assure adequate immunity from the disease for a population, which means not your house, but your county, your region. Clark County had a 78% vaccination rate for MMR, which is below the threshold to prevent an outbreak.
Vaccine Exemptions
Washington State is one of 17 states which allow philosophical exemptions for vaccines. In February, Washington passed a House bill to ban philosophical exceptions for vaccines and there have been demonstrations in the state capitol since. Vaccines are proven to prevent disease and the actions of a few individuals should not be allowed to endanger everyone else. This is why we have drivers license testing, speed limits, and background checks for the purchase of weapons. Public safety trumps the individual needs. If parents willfully choose not to vaccinate their children they should not be allowed to enroll in public school. However, the community health risk for everyone else is only partially mitigated by limiting school exposure, because participation in any public activity, such as swimming in the local pool, using the play fields, or public transportation could expose you to preventable disease. Wearing those surgical masks, the Chinese sport everywhere doesn’t seem so odd now.

And this is the healthpolicymaven signing off encouraging you to read good science, make informed decisions, and prudently get your vaccinations. A healthy diet is not going to prevent Measles, Mumps, or Rubella.

This article was written by Roberta E. Winter, author of Unraveling U.S. Healthcare-A Personal Guide, which ranked vaccination rates by state as evidence of public health, and was published by Rowman and Littlefield in 2013.


C, S. M. (2010). On-time Vaccination Receipt In The First Year Does Not Adversely Affect Neuropyschological Outcomes. American Journal of Pediatrics, 125(6), 1134-41. Retrieved March 6, 2019, from
Control, C. f. (2009, October 21). Monovalent M-M-R Vaccines. Retrieved March 6, 2019, from Centers for Disease Control:
Control, C. f. (2019, March 6). Vaccine Options Fact Sheet. Retrieved from Centers for Disease
DeStefano F, P. C. (2013). Case Control Study on Frequency of Vaccines and Risk for Autism. Journal of Pediatrics. Retrieved March 6, 2019
Peltola H, e. a. (1998). No Evidence for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Associated with Autism or Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Lancet, 351, 1327-28.


Seacondo said...

Nice summary. Yes public good trumps individual belief. I had measles encephalitis and I can tell you that was not a picnic.

healthpolicymaven said...

Thanks Dr. Belding for sharing a very real consequence of measles.

Frank Mazza said...

Well said, Roberta. It has always amazed me that the anti-vaxxer crowd is regularly so demonstrative and even sometimes vicious when protecting their position, even in the midst of overwhelming evidence that vaccines are safe and important for the safety of populations. Sadly, their innocent children and others in the population who are immunosuppressed suffer (and literally sometimes die) because of their intransigence. Amazingly, many continue to ignorantly reference junk science analyses and the spouting of disgraced charlatans rather than believe well designed scientific studies and carefully performed statistical analyses. Previously, it was my belief that these parents should be jailed for reckless endangerment of their children. More recently, I have made peace with myself by realizing that they love their children mean no harm to them, and therefore, should not be punished. However, I am a REAL fan of the position taken by an ever increasing number of Pediatricians nationally (and supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics) that these folks are not welcome in those Pediatric practices if they refuse to vaccinate. It is not right that they should put the other children in those practices at risk because of their irresponsibility toward their own children.

healthpolicymaven said...

There is a movement to encourage fringe healthcare fields to "make up" their own data, without sound scientific principles. Also, I am very concerned that people like nutritionists are questioning the validity of vaccines and believing that a healthy diet can prevent disease. Do we have to worry what our massage therapist thinks about vaccines as well? The whole point of certification in medicine is to establish rigor and testing to certify the medical professional is competent in their field. It seems there is a lowering of the bar today, people questioning the standards, as if certification is unimportant. Having a 2 year certification is not the same as being an MD.

felinda gospi said...
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C59 said...

I really enjoyed this article Roberta. I like that you wrote with a concern and understanding for both sides of the subject. I appreciate the facts that you presented along with additional links for people to find out even more. The bottom line is that we must manage and move forward with the facts and as you and others have presented the facts it is clear to me that vaccines do not harm our children-they protect them as well as entire communities. I also agree whole heartedly with your line, "Public safety trumps individual needs."