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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Is Your Stem Cell Treatment Safe-Addressing the Proliferation of Unapproved Stem Cell Products

Proliferation of Unapproved Stem Cell Therapy as a Cure-all
Stem cell therapy, drawn from infant umbilical cord blood or from an adults’s own cells is the new snake oil cure-all. In the United States the only FDA approved use of stem cell therapy is for treatment of blood disorders like leukemia or hemophilia. (US Food and Drug Administration, n.d.) Here is the link to approved stem cell products in the US.  Any other use is experimental and has not received the rigor of the Federal Drug Agency investigation for patient safety and efficacy. Unfortunately, thanks to unscrupulous direct-to-consumer marketing, stem cell therapy is nearly as ubiquitous as Botox treatment. This article highlights some of the dangers of unapproved treatment, what the FDA has done to protect consumers, and resources for further investigation.
Are Stem Cell Treatments Drugs?
The FDA considers stem cell treatment to be an injectable drug therapy and as such is under the purview of the agency. Many of these high profit stem cell clinics offering the treatment disagree with the FDA classification and have been flouting the rules.
Risks of Stem Cell Treatment
  1.  Stem cell products are being manufactured in facilities that are not inspected or run by FDA patient safety standards. Injectables that are created in an unsterile environment run a high risk of infection for patients. Timothy Lunceford of Texas was injected with stem cells for joint pain and was hospitalized for 58 days with a blood infection and E. coli. (McGinley, 2019)
  2.  Nonscientists are creating stem cell products which means they do not assess, test, or control for unintended consequences the way a controlled scientific experiment does. Three people lost their sight after being injected with stem cells as a treatment for macular degeneration. (, 2018)
  3.  Umbilical cord blood containing stem cells, billed as the miracle of life, can have different reactions in people. At least 17 people have been hospitalized after being injected with products containing umbilical cord blood. (McGinley, 2019)
  4.  Site infections from injection of stem cell products is also common and can require hospitalization. John Herzog, MD injected himself as a test of safety before he would recommend the product to his patients and he ended up in the hospital with a bone infection and a blood clot. (McGinley, 2019)
  5.  People promoting stem cell treatments often have no scientific or medical background and their only motive is to make money. Liveyon products sold as stem cell therapy were tested by Lisa Fortier, a Cornell University regenerative medicine researcher and she found that nine of the products did not contain stem cells or even a single live cell. (McGinley, 2019)
  6.  Two people died in Florida after receiving stem cell injections in 2012. (McGinley, 2019)
Regulatory Actions Taken By the US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested and found that bacterial contamination occurred at the manufacturing level prior to clinical use of the stem cell products distributed by Liveyon of Yorba Linda, California. A product recall for Liveyon ReGen treatment vials occurred 4 months after the company’s product tested positive for e coli. Most worrisome is Liveyon has opened an operation in Cancun, Mexico so American patients can receive treatment without the oversight of the FDA. (McGinley, 2019)

The FDA has the authority to regulate drug, cosmetic, and scientific treatments in the US. New drugs or treatments are supposed to apply for an Investigational New Drug (IND)application. The agency has reviewed 5,322 stem cell products in clinical trials. To learn more about stem cell products which have been reviewed in a clinical trial follow this link:

The FDA sued the US Stem Cell Clinic, LLC in Florida for failure to respond to their inspection concerns. The agency also took action against StemImmune, Inc in California to prevent the use of a dangerous and unproven treatment. In 2017, US marshals seized vials of smallpox which were being used to create stem cells and given to cancer patients in California. In November 2017, the FDA published 4 guidance documents on risk and regulatory compliance for regenerative medicine products.

So, it’s quite simple you should not be using any stem cell therapy which has not been in a clinical trial under the auspices of the FDA. And you should definitely avoid companies which promote stem cell treatments despite being found to have contaminated products by the CDC. These opportunists do not sign a hippocratic oath like physicians for patient care.

This is the healthpolicymaven signing off encouraging you not to sign blanket release forms when you check into a treatment center. Do specify that for why you consent and that for which you decline.

Roberta Winter is a freelance journalist and health policy analyst whom has published under the trademark healthpolicymaven since 2007. This article does not give medical advice, but is an advisory on health policy. She is the author of Unraveling U.S. Healthcare-A Personal Guide, published in 2013.

References (2018, May 16). FDA Files Lawsuits to Stop Unapproved Stem Cell Therapies. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from
McGinley, W. W. (2019, February 27). Miraculous Stem Cell Therapy Has Sickened People in Five States. The Washington Post, pp. 1-10. Retrieved March 9, 2019, from
US Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). FDA Consumer Updates. doi:ucm286155

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